Today I had the pleasure of meeting Dutch Lowy of CrossFit ATM who will be in Austin holding a training seminar throughout the weekend. In town a few days early, Dutch stopped by the Crossfit Central Gym to review some Olympic lifting techniques and introduce a few new movements with the Central coaches. With every demonstration came a correction and then another correction and then a "that's it" or "that just felt right" comment from either Dutch giving a nod of approval or one of the coaches just knowing their form was right on
I think its good to have someone like Dutch stopping by the gym. It gives the coaches and the rest of us a fresh pair of eyes to look for the little things that we might be over looking.
Throughout the couple of hours of the oly lift training i was constantly hearing things like "eyes up", "be patient" or "you're jerking that off the ground." These are normally things that the coaches are saying to CFC clients and here in turn they're being told these corrections. That's what makes them better athletes, trainers and people in general. Not everyone can take constructive criticism and then implement it, but by doing so it allows us to learn. I think everyone who attended the training today learned something that can be incorporated into workouts and coaching.
Thanks to Dutch for coming out and spreading the knowledge.
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