Lisa: Hey Ben, would you mind putting us through an all purpose room workout?
Me: A what?
Lisa: An all purpose room workout. Jeremy was telling me about the workouts you guys did in off season.
Me: Oh.. an APR workout!? Yeah I'd love to.
This was the beginning of a conversation that Lisa and I had a little over a month leading into CrossFit Regionals. So, starting that week on Wednesday's at 10:30 a.m the women of CrossFit Central began their All Purpose Room training. Their training on Wednesday's includes but is not limited to.. explosion drills, tire flips/pulls, sled drags, rope climbs,battling ropes, sprints, shuttle drills and what I like to call fun circuits. The workouts are designed to make the girls do things that they don't train on a daily basis with CrossFit workouts. We work on quickness, changing directions, hip mobility, grip and balance. All key components to excel not only in CrossFit style workouts but in running, basketball, football or numerous other sports.
So, what started out as a one time Wednesday training led to an every Wednesday training. The ladies began to look forward to the workouts not only because they were different, but because it gave them a chance to work together.. as a team. They were now getting their chance to be coached. To be told to sprint or hold that plank or get one more rep. A week before regionals was to kick off I was joking with the girls and said to those that were competing "if you guys make it to the platform.. don't be afraid to show me some love up there". They all laughed and said they'd give me some sort of shout out. Now, I'm not sitting here saying that I got the girls to where they are. Not even for a minute in my wildest dreams do I think that to be a true statement. I do think that I helped them to be ready for anything that is thrown their way, I think that I helped strengthened the bond that they already formed.
So, to the Ladies of CrossFit Central. Thank you for allowing me to train you and to continue to train you. I look forward to Wednesday mornings and to watching you ladies represent in LA!
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